Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The most unnecessary purchases as of late.

Basically long story short, I forgot to do my washing on Saturday which left with no clean undies for Monday so I had to wear my bikini bottoms on Monday then damp undies on Tuesday!

So after leaving work early (missing out on the meeting cos I've been ill!) I stopped off at Primark to buy some emergency ones for times like this - because it WILL happen again!

I walked straight past all the clothes (nice effort Nikki!) then went to the under wear section. I picked up two packs of 4 undies, then turned to see all the stockings. I had also accidentally bought brown coloured ones instead of black. So I bought a 3 pack of BLACK stockings, some woollen ones, then a 3 pack of socks because I only have about 4 pairs! Then I happened to walk past the slipper isle and ended up buying three pairs of these super choice rabbit slippers for me and two of my flatmates, and some other slippers for me. All for the cheap price of £23. 

Because I hadn't eaten for two days due to feeling so nauseas I thought I was going to throw up every 2 seconds, I thought I had better TRY and eat something. What better thing to try than soup? One would think so.

I walked into Lidl (a nice cheap supermarket, Kinda like Pak N Save, but no where near as big!) and set off for the soup. 

I ended up leaving the shop with 2 tins of vegetable soup, a packet of 2 garlic and coriander naan breads, a packet of prawn crackers, a big bag of spinach, a box of grapes, a massive salami and some tortellini all for £7.

This is a prime example of impulse buying. Yes I did need all of those things to some degree. but I also only needed soup and undies. 

Living out of a suitcase for basically 4 months has put into perspective what necessities are actually necessary. That and having no money. 

But after my first 'proper' pay, I go and splash out on hosiery from Primark and food I can't stomach?

Good one Nikki!

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