Thursday, January 26, 2012

Things I'm Loving!

This week I'm loving...

My Kindle that I bought nearly 2 months ago! So small and light!

This vegan banana cake with chocolate and cinnamon icing! Devine!

My lavendar wheat pack rabbit. My house mate bought it for me for Christmas. It's so cuddly and warm!

Getting to the tube station in between 6.30-6.40am and having loads of free Metro newspapers to choose from!

I'm quite pedantic about when I wash my hair. I washed it last Sunday and didn't wash it again until Thursday thanks to this Dry Shampoo! It's so cold in the mornings at the moment I'm worried my hair will freeze if it's wet! Did I mention it's only £1??

And lastly I'm loving my beautiful purple ukulele. I now have quite a repertoire of songs that I can play. All that's needed is a good singing voice!

Linking up with Paisley Jade


  1. How great is kindle? I use the app on my iPad and LOVE it! That cake looks DE-LIC-IOUS! Lovely list <3

  2. Yay for kindles!! Dry shampoo sounds so strange!!!

  3. The cake looks great! not so sure about that shampoo tho... =)

  4. I have a kindle just like that too...received for Christmas....I am loving mine too., it is so handy to read on the go. x
